Energy Poverty - A European lssue, Discussion paper

Réseau INFORSE, December 2008

Mardi 27 janvier 2009, par Webmaster // En Europe et ailleurs

Le réseau INFORSE a publié le 30 décembre 2008 un papier de discussion sur le thème de la précarité énergétique. Le texte est en anglais.

Discussion Paper by INFORSE-Europe, 30 December, 2008.

"When a family is not able to afford the costs of keeping its house warm and the lights on, it is hit by “fuel poverty” or "energy poverty". In many ways this is not different from other kinds of poverty, but if the economic problems comes from raising energy costs and the energy bill is a large part of household expenditures, it is reasonable to look for energy – related solutions. This can be increasing energy efficiency or cheaper energy."